Internet Marketing - Super Bowl Ads & Social Networks

Internet Marketing - Super Bowl Ads & Social Networks
I just finished reading a very interesting article from Marketing Profs. Last year, National Insurance has decided to "lose" is a Super Bowl (see video below) before the Super Bowl, making the ad available through social networking sites such as youtube, myspace and others: At first he hesitated National " There was also a little 'debate between our team on advertising if it was' ruining the surprise "and watering down the game in time to impact," he says. But, the article continues the gamble paid off: "joint The commercial harvest-starring Kevin Federline as a wannabe rap star who works at a fastfood 600 000 visits to the company's Web site, and most of these were from first time visitors. In addition, Schreibman notes the unorthodox strategy has not preventDefault announcement from the liquidation of some "best of" lists. "Despite the loss has continued to receive awards and ads on and off line long after the Superbowl. Using the power of viral social networks and the way in which information # in which they were able to get in front of a much bigger with this bold move.The is a bit 'of creative ingenuity - and going against the grain - any company can get a phenomenal success with social tools readily available for free on the net. With some many different instruments beyond out, many of which target different markets in different ways is necessary to ask what tool can help extend existing marketing you're doing, or what you can craft full campaigns that use these tools? [EXTRACT] I'm just reading an article very Marketing Profs interesting. "phased out" last year decided to Nationwide Insurance, is a Super Bowl (see video below) before the Super Bowl, so that the display is available on social networking sites like YouTube, MySpace and others, hesitate in the first National: "It 'was also some debate between our marketing team that this was" ruining the surprise' and the dilutive impact on the game-time ", says, however, is the ' article, the statement went on. "The ad with Kevin Federline as a wannabe rap-star who works at a fast food, collected 600 000 research visits to the company's website, and most of them were from the first time. Also found no Schreibman unorthodox strategy to prevent the display settle on several "best of" lists. "Despite the loss, the display keeps prizes and awards, and out of the line long after the Super Bowl. Using the power of social networks and viral way in which they can disseminate the information they were faced with a much larger, with this bold move. The point is to achieve with a little 'creative ingenuity - and their use against the grain -. are achieving phenomenal success of the company social tools available for free on the net with some many different instruments, in particular those from many different markets in different ways You're wondering what tool to run the extension of existing marketing you or what you can form a full campaign with these tools?

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